Question: If this is not true then where did the writer get the idea about the second coming, Armageddon, the 666, which you previously stated were true?
God’s answer:
They were previously foretold.
Meaning: Allegorical is God’s description of the writing style of the Book of Revelations. Allegorical means: "of, relating to, or having the characteristics of allegory; having hidden spiritual meaning that transcends the literal sense of a sacred text"44. The world allegory means "a story in which the characters and events are symbols that stand for ideas about human life or for a political or historical situation"45.
The author of Revelations was not stating anything new but embellished on what already told, adding his own personal spin. To prove His point, God led me to biblical passages of Saint Peter and Saint Paul which spoke of the second coming and the end of times. As I read these passages, I came across something called the Apocalypse of Peter (Revelation of Peter)46.
Question: This Revelation of Peter - was this written by Saint Peter?
God’s answer:
He did not scribe this.
45, 'Allegory | A Story In Which The Characters And Events Are Symbols That Stand For Ideas About Human Life Or For A Political Or Historical Situation' (2015) <> accessed 26 August 2015.
46 Wikipedia, 'Apocalypse Of Peter' (2015) <> accessed 26 August 2015.